Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Ballindud - Standing Stone & Portal Tomb
Located on the fringe of Kilbarry Bog, near Waterford City, Ballindud standing stone measures 1.4 metres in height and is leaning at quite an angle. It’s found in a field which is used mainly for tillage purposes and can be easily seen from the road, particularly when the field crop has been harvested.
The stone fell in Spring 2010 but was re erected at its original location in September 2011. It is now one of the few Standing Stones in Waterford which has recently been given protection by the erection of a wooden fence around it. The original orientation of the stone was WNW-ESE.
Close by is Ballindud Portal Tomb, located a further 200 metres to the south in the next field. In its original state, this would have been quite an impressive Dolmen, but sadly, it now remains one of Waterford’s neglected monuments. The tomb is in a collapsed state, completely overgrown and very difficult to see. However, it has been recorded as having a Roofstone measuring 4.3 X 3.8 metres. This would make it bigger than the Roofstone on Gaulstown Dolmen.
In 1986, following ploughing of the land, a Neolithic Flint Flake measuring 2 X 5 cm was found 5 meters NW of the tomb.
After a search of the area, no other finds were reported.
This site updated - January 2012
Overgrown - Ballindud Potral Tomb
An old drawing of the Tomb - Circa 1824
This image courtesy of Waterford County Museum
Directions: From Waterford City take the R 675 for Tramore till you reach the Ballindud roundabout. Here turn left and go to the next roundabout ( called Couse). Take a left turn and 50 meters on you will see the stone in the field on your left. Enter by the gate.
To get to the Portal tomb. As you enter the field with the Standing Stone follow the hedgerow on your right and go through the gap. Turn left and walk till you see another gap in the hedgerow in front of you. The portal tomb is through this gap and immediately on your left.
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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