Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
This rectangular shaped stone is sited on a south facing slope at the head of a valley which opens out to the SE.
Located just inside the perimeter of a bank/fence of a small forestry plantation, it’s a standing stone that could be easily overlooked, for at the time of recording it (26-02-2011) it was heavily overgrown with thick brambles and other vegetation.
The stone itself measures 1.3 metres in height, is 0.8 metres wide and 0.35 thick. It is oriented in a WNW–ESE direction. It may not look so impressive where it stands but had it been out in the adjoining field, its bulky form would make it look much more imposing.
Directions: From Waterford City travel the N25 for Cork until you reach Kilmeaden. As you enter the village take the R681 for Bunmahon which veers downwards to the left.
Travel 4.5 km on this road till you reach a left turn signposted for Dunhill. About 200m on the right there is a lay by where you can park. From here the stone is accessible across 5 fields to the east. Though not visible from the road, the stone can be found at the edge of the plantation just under the most easterly small rock outcrop.
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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