Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Ballyquin - Oghamised standing stone
Another of Waterford’s ‘Oghamised’ standing stones is found just inside a field gate and not very far away from Ballyquin portal tomb. Both monuments are found on the same farmland.
Known locally as the 'High Stone', this bulky monolith stands 2.5 metres tall, is oriented in a NNW- SSE direction and bears Ogham inscriptions down its SW edge. These inscriptions have been read as CATABAR MOCO VIRICORB.
It’s thought that the stone was originally taller and was sited out in the field before it was re located here. Surprisingly, it shows no sign that it was ever used as a gatepost.
Inscriptions on SW edge
Directions: From Carrick-on-Suir travel on the R676 southwards and then take the R677.
After 2km you will reach Piquet’s Crossroads which is a 5 way junction. Turn right here. After about 500 meters there is a farm gate on the right. From the road the top of the stone should be visible just inside the left pier.
Other sites in this area - Ballyquin portal tomb, Crehanagh South
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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