Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Ballyquin - Portal Tomb
Ballyquin portal tomb ( sometimes known as Mothel Dolmen) is situated in a delightful tranquil setting at the bottom of a valley and next to a small stream. This is a peaceful place with just a across the rippling water a sacred holy well.
The monument, which faces a steep NE upslope, appears to be incomplete compared to other Portal Tombs and may have looked different when first erected. A triangular conglomerate capstone measuring 4.15m x 2.5m and 1m in thickness rests on two portal stones of 1.5 meters high at the north east end. The setting of these support stones is unusual for Portal tombs, as in this case, they are placed perpendicular to the tomb’s axis. The west end now rests practically on the ground and slopes backwards at an angle of around 20°. So it would appear that some stones are missing. However, one cannot be certain of the tomb’s original design, as 4km by road from here is a Megalithic structure at Oldgrange which bears some similarities in that one end of it’s capstone also rests on the ground.
Just 50 metres to the east of the tomb is a standing stone (see photo below). This stone was unearthed a number of years ago by the landowner while carrying out farm work and where it stands today is not the location where it was found.
The farmer thinks that it was part of another portal tomb which he believes was sited further up on the NE slope and closer to the tall trees.
Picturesque Setting
View from the East
The standing stone (right) believed to be part of a second Portal Tomb
Directions: From Carrick-on-Suir travel on the R676 southwards and then take the R677.
After 2km you will reach Piquet’s Crossroads which is a 5 way junction. Turn right here and after a 1 km turn right again. A further 1km on at the bottom of the valley you will see the tomb in the field to the right.
Other sites in this area - Ballyquin oghamised stone, Crehanagh South, Oldgrange
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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