Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Carrigeen - Fulacht Fiadh
The Fulacht Fiadh at Carrigeen is one of the finest examples of its type in Waterford.
Sited on south facing slope overlooking the river Nire, it’s only a short walking distance from Carrigeen standing stone which is just a little higher up in the valley.
This kidney shaped grass covered mound is made up of broken and burnt stones which would have been repeatedly heated to boil water in a trough in the central depression of the mound.
The mound itself measures 17 metres N-S and 10.5 meters E-W. It ranges in height from 2.7 – 4 metres and opens to the east.
Fulacht Fiadh are generally believed to have been used for cooking purposes and are usually found near a water source such as a river or stream. A wooden lined pit was filled with water. Stones were then heated in a fire and placed in the water to make it hot. Food such as meat could then be cooked in the hot water. There is also some evidence that Fulacht Fiadh may have been multi-functional and possibly used for bathing, burial or ritual.
The central depression of the mound
Directions: From Clonmel take the R678 towards Rathgormuck. After Clonmel Golf club take the second right turn and drive for about 8 km to a T junction. Here turn left and drive till you come to the Nire Bridge, which is a black & white iron structure. Just after the bridge turn left again and follow this road (a dead end) for about 5km till you reach a car park. Park here and follow the track up the valley. The site is soon visibile to your right,a short distance down the slope.
Other sites in this area - Carrigeen standing stone
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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