Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Castletown - standing stones
Here, on a south–east facing slope you find two standing stones within 100 metres of each other. Both stones are similar in shape with a tapered conical appearance.
One is located in the middle of an open field, while the other, which now appears much shorter, has been incorporated into the lawn of a new two storey residence.
In the Archaeological Inventory of County Waterford, published in 1999 the stone in the field is listed at a height of 1.25 metres. However, it looks much taller today probably due the ground surrounding it having been worn away by farm animals over the years. It is orientated NNW-ESE. The other stone in the lawn (listed at 1.35metres) looks even smaller now as the ground level has been significantly raised due to the landscaping of the grounds around the house. it is roughly orientated N-S.
A line drawn from one stone to the other runs in a SW direction.
The similarities in shape of the stones ( left is the shorter stone in the lawn)
Directions: From Waterford City take the R 675 for Tramore till you reach the Ballindud roundabout. Here turn left and go to the next roundabout ( called Couse). Take a right turn here and drive for about 3km till you see an old schoolhouse at a left turn. Turn left here. About 1.5km further on, just before a sharp bend to the left, turn in to the right. About 100 metres up you will see the house and the first stone in the garden.
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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