Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Coumaraglinmountain - Megalithic Tomb

Coumaraglinmountain - Megalithic Tomb

This unique tomb is located on a steep west facing slope at the SW end of the Araglin Archaeological Complex. It is listed as ‘unclassified’ as it has influences of both Court and Wedge tombs. However, it does have the one prominent characteristic of Wedge Tombs, that is, the entrance faces the South West.

The monument consists of a small wedge shaped chamber which is 0.5 metres in height and 1.45 metres in length. The entrance is 0.8 metres wide and tapers to the rear of the chamber to 0.5 metres. Two lintels cover the chamber which is supported by orthostats and some drystone walling on the SE side with the NW side built entirely of drystone. A single backstone remains at the rear.

The chamber opens into a rough oval shaped court which measures 4 metres in length and is 2.5 metres at its widest. This area, which is thought to have been a later addition to the monument, is defined by a drystone wall. Nearby to the NW is a pile of loose stones which could have been possibly been a covering of the monument.




Directions: From the top of the Mauma pass at Treenearla Commons, take the descent NW towards Kilbrien. After about 2km and just before the road junction for Dungarvan, this monument is located in  the ‘V’ area between the two roads (see map below).

It is difficult enough to find in Summer when bracken growth is at its highest but in Winter it is relatively easy to locate.


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Other sites in this area - Treenearla Commons, Crohaun, sites in Araglin Valley complex


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Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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