Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Coumaraglinmountain - Stone Enclosure

Coumaraglinmountain - Stone Enclosure

This stone walled enclosure is located on the eastern slope of Coumaraglinmountain and is easily seen from a distance as you traverse the open heath.

It measure 16.5 metres E-W and around 12 metres N-S. It has  a V shaped entrance on the east side. The wall height averages about 1 metre.

An interesting feature of the enclosure is a small water supply from a trickling stream which comes down the mountain to cascade through the wall into a small pool in its western corner. The water doesn't enter the enclosure but appears to drain out under it to the eastern side.

Whether or not the enclosure was constructed to incorporate the stream, one can only guess, but it could be likely, as these dry stone enclosures are believed to have been used for the protection of livestock at certain times of the year, such as at spring lambing when the enclosed area would have served to protect them from predators such as wolves.

There is also the possibility that enclosures like these could have been used for human habitation at some stage.




Directions: Travel south from Lemybrien on the N25. After 4km turn right at the second crossroads ( signposted fro Killrosanty). After a further 1.5km on this road turn left onto the 'Comeragh Drive'. Then drive straight for about 3 km. A short distance before you come to the Dalligan Bridge (a small bridge on a bend) there is a forestry track on the right next to the plantation.

From here you can ascend onto the mountainside. Soon you should be able to see the enclosure in the distance to the north west under the summit of the mountain..

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