Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Curraghmore - circle of stones

Curraghmore - circle of stones

Located high on a south facing slope, this large circle of stones is 30 metres in diameter. It is not marked on any OS maps or referred to in the Waterford Archaeology Inventory which seems quite surprising as it immediately catches the eye because of its almost complete circle of bright irregular shaped stones.

In a truly spectacular location of open landscape overlooking the river Clodiagh, it’s a terrain that bears a somewhat similar mystical aura to that of the sacred fields found in the Boyne Valley.

The circle of stones, now populated by tall beech trees, shares the same field as Curraghmore’s ‘Stone Head’ also known to some as “Mother Brown” (see Curraghmore Stone Head in ‘List of Monuments’).

What was this large ring of stones? Was it an early settlement site or were they perhaps kerbstones of a cemetery mound or maybe some significant ritual site?



Directions: From Portlaw take the road for Carrick on Suir (via Curraghmore) driving with wall of the estate on your left.

After 1.75 km on this narrow road you will come to the old church of Clonagam which is just off the road on your left. Here you can drive in and park. Enter the field bedside  the church by a V stile in the wall. To your left ou will see the tall trees of the enclosure.


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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

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Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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