Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Curraun - Standing Stone

Curraun - Standing Stone

This modest sized standing stone at just 1.25 meters in height, is found close to the village of Kilrossanty.

A conglomerate, it has a triangular appearance tapering upward from its base which measures 1 metre in width. The stone is oriented in a NE – SW direction. It has a nice and perhaps also significant location, with in the background to the NW, the wide saddle of the Bearna na Madra gap where the monuments of’ The Stone Man’ and prehistoric enclosure are sited.


Directions: From Lemybrien take the road signposted for Kilrossanty which is a short journey of 2km. At the first T junction, with a school on the right, there is a farm path directly opposite which leads up the field to the stone which is visible from the road.


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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

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Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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