Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Gaulstown - Cist

Gaulstown - Cist

Cists ( pronounced ‘Kists’) were an early type of grave used for mainly Bronze Age burials where a box-like structure of stone slabs was set into the ground and covered by a single capstone.

The Gaulstown Cist (foreground of photo above) has a roofstone which measures 2.2 metres long and 1.7 metres wide. It’s located just 8 metres from the Gaulstown portal tomb.

Cremation or burials in Cists were often accompanied by a single pot near the head which was presumed to contain an offering of food or drink for the spirit of the deceased.

In some cases they were used as secondary burials within a Cairn – hence, its close proximity to the Portal Tomb may indicate that it was once part of a cairn which covered both of these monuments.


The nearby Portal Tomb



Directions:  From Waterford City journey on the N25 ( Cork Rd) till you see a left turn for Tramore. Travel on this (R682) and at the second crossroads turn right where signposted for Gaulstown Dolmen. Continue for about 1.5km till you see a sign for tomb which is up a rough path to your left. Park here and walk the 200m to the site which is accessable through a stile.


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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

Read about Here


Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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