Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Situated very close to the village of Kill, this standing stone appears white as one side is almost totally covered with white lichen.
Shaped like an old worn tooth, it measures 1.25metres in height, 0.75 metres wide and leans slightly to the North West. Its orientation is NE-SW.
Its location is on very wet marshy land, but it occupies the driest part of the field, which is probably the reason why it has survived standing so long. Another stone, which was previously listed as a “Possible" Standing Stone stood 100 metres away but has now fallen over.
In the corner of the next field to the North West and part of the field boundary by a stream, is a gathering of stones covered by earth. It’s uncertain what this is, but it does give the impression of possibly being something of significance.
Directions: From Kill village travel 0.75 km North East on the R681. Just where you see a fenced off enclosure on your right is the field opposite where the stone is clearly visible from the roadside.
Other sites in this area - Savagetown 3.25 km
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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