Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Kilmovee - Standing Stones
At Kilmovee you will find three standing stones, all within 200 metres of each other. Located just off a quiet country road, two are in fields to the south side while one stands in a field to the north. All are visible from the roadway.
The close proximity of three stones in the form of a triangle is interesting, with one of them, stone (A) located within a banked enclosure. This stone is quite slender, sharp edged and tapers towards the tip. It measures 1.75 metres in height and interestingly has a small cup mark (photo above) on its north facing side, about 20 cm from the top.It is orientated roughly E-W.
Stone (B) situated direct east in the adjoining field, stands at 1.75 metres but very much looks the odd one out. It has a definite slab- like rectangular appearance and is overall very square and more modern in appearance than the other two. Whether it is a genuine monolith or was erected as a scratching post is debatable. Its orientation is ENE-WSW.
Stone (C) on the north side of the road is the smallest of the three at 1.2 metres in height and has a pointed top with no features and is orientated NE-SW.
Directions: From Waterford City travel on the N25 for Cork. After about 12 km turn right at Carroll’s Crossroads where it is signposted for Carrick on Suir and Ballyshonock reservoir.
Drive about 3.5km (crossing the reservoir) till you come to a five crossroads. Here, take the sharp turn left. After 2.5km you reach a fork in the road. Veer right and drive up here about 0.5 km till you see two gates opposite each other. From here you can see two of the stones.
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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