Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Kilmoyemoge East
Situated on a gentle north facing slope, this tall slender standing stone is just short of 2 metres in height. It is practically square with a blunt tip and slopes to the west at an angle of around 80°.
Its location is right in the centre of the field, which makes it easily visible from the road.
Interestingly, in the farmyard opposite to the field, lies a very similar stone which the landowner said was brought there many years ago.
Where its original location was is unknown but most likely it was standing somewhere close by.
Directions: From Waterford City journey on the N25 for Cork. About 5km from Kilmeaden there is a turn off to the right. Drive up this road 0.75km till you come to a sharp bend to the right. Just after the bend there is a farmyard on the right. Directly opposite is the field with the standing stone.
Other sites in this area - Carrickanure 2.5km
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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