Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Kiltrea - Ogham Stones

Kiltrea - Ogham Stones

These Ogham Stones are found in two railed off enclosures close to a quiet country road and charming small river near the village of Villierstown.

The stones are easily visible from the roadside where there is a signpost and also a convenient stile provided for easy access to the site.





 Stone A                                                                                    Stone B



Stone A is the taller of the two stones, measuring 1.35 metres in height and of a rectangular appearance. Its inscription reads COLLABOT MUCOI LUGA MAQI LOBACCONA (Collabot son of Lug son of Lobchu). Beside it are two smaller stones. The reason for their inclusion in the enclosure is unknown.


Stone B is a few meters to the south. It stands 1.25 metres tall and is more pointed in appearance. It reads MEDUSI MACI LU later corrected to MUCOI LUGA. Between the two ogham stones is a modest sized standing stone (1metre tall), not bearing any ogham inscriptions.


A third stone with the inscription RITUVVAS was removed from the site to the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin.



Directions: From  the town of Cappoquin take the road signposted south for Villierstown which is a journey of 6km. Go straight through the village of Villierstown and after 1km turn right.

A further 0.80 km along this road you will see the stones in a field to the left.


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