Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Knockanask - standing stones
These two standing stones are found in separate fields about 120 metres apart.
They are located on the lower western slopes of Knockanask mountain and overlook the Glenshelane river below. To the North West rises the imposing summit of Glennaffalia mountain.
Stone A (left) is a modest sized conglomerate measuring 0.75 m tall X 0.75 X 0.6 metres.
It is orientated in an E-W direction. Further and higher up in the next field is Stone B (pictured right).
This stone has a much different profile and is much bigger in proportion. Presently it leans backwards to the east but its original height would be roughly 1.82 m. It has a square cross section of 0.6 X 0.5 m. It too is orientated E – W.
Here, the landowner was very helpful and provided excellent directions to the stones.
Directions: From Cappoquin take the R669 signposted for Clogheen. After 5 km take the road veering to the right. Travel 2.3 km along this valley till you come to a farmyard on the right with a bungalow. Just south of the bungalow is a “boreen” (small road) which takes you down to the river. Cross the bridge and follow the road on for 150 m. From here you can directly access the field in which Stone A is located.
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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