Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Leckaun - Bullaun Stone

Leckaun - Bullaun Stone

While walking towards this stone which was barely visible above the grass, the farmer said “ Well, this is not a very impressive stone really”!. However, when we did reach it, I was impressed with its overall appearance.

It’s a lovely smooth granite bullaun measuring 1 metre in length and 0.6 metres at its widest. Close to its tapering end is an almost perfect round basin which is 0.3 metres in diameter.

Located in the townland of Leckaun which translates as the “Valley of the little Slope”, this bullaun stone, unlike so many others, is not sited near any early church or ecclesiastical establishment and is found totally isolated amid rich grazing pastures,  which leaves one to surmise that perhaps its sole purpose was that of a grinding mortar.

It appears to be an eartfast stone, so this is most likely its original location.



Directions: From the fishing village of Dunmore East take the road out of the village northwards and uphill signposted for Woodstown. After almost 1 km and just after the school on the left take the turn left into the first big farm. Drive up a short way to the farmyard and ask for permission. From the yard the stone is three fields away to the west.


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