Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
In the corner of a triangular shaped field and just beside a small stream, is found this large conglomerate flat topped stone. Measuring 2.9 X 2.3 meters, it rests on the ground at its NE end and is supported by a small boulder (0.5 metres) at the SW side.
The monument, which is 2km from the village of Mothel, is classified as a megalithic structure, so one can only speculate as to what it was and what it may have been used for.
Its secluded location, altar/table like appearance and close proximity to the small river might suggest that it was a type of ritual site where water may have been used to carry out particular ceremonies.
Directions: See Ballyquin portal tomb.
From the site at Ballyquin follow the road onwards a further 2 km to the village of Mothel. Passing the old abbey on your left, take the first left turn signposted for Portlaw. A further 1.5 km along this road there is a field gate on the right. From this gate looking back NE, you can see the monument in the corner of the field.
Other sites in this area - Ballyquin (Portal Tomb & Standing Stone)
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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