Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Raheens - Possible Stone Pair

Raheens - Possible Stone Pair

There is every possibility that a Stone Pair once stood at that this site.

The Raheens site is located on marshy ground at the bottom of a N-S valley where today remains a shale standing stone measuring 1.3 meters in height X 1.2 X 0.5 metres. It’s orientation is NNE-SSW.

A second stone is lying prone 2.7 metres to the south. It is sunken in the ground and partially coved by grass and measures 1.5 long X 1.3 X 0.35 metres.

Assuming that this stone once stood here, it probably would have been roughly 1 metre in height, allowing for around a third of its mass being buried in the ground.

If one further assumes that the stone fell towards the West, then if so, when re erected (to the right) it would have had the same orientation of the existing standing stone i.e. in a SSW direction as indicated by the line in the above photo.

This would then form a stone pair alignment of NNE- SSW.

This orientation of  Stone Pairs is common enough in Waterford which would further substantiate the case for Raheens being an authentic Stone Pair.


Also of interest at this site, about 200 metres to the north and beside a small stream, is a scattered collection of large stones which are comparable those which would have been used in the construction of a Portal Tomb or perhaps a small Stone Circle. One of the stones was erected some years ago by a mechanical digger and now stands beside the other scattered stones, one of which has a definite long slab–like appearance resembling a capstone.


The Standing Stone viewed from the West


Directions: From Waterford City travel the N25 for Cork until you reach Kilmeaden. As you enter the village take the R681 for Bunmahon which veers downwards to the left.

From here drive 2 km. Just before a bend to the right there is a small driveway entrance to a private house. As you enter here and drive towards the two – storey house you will see the stone in the valley below on the left. Ask permission for access from the residents of the house who are the landowners.

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Other sites in this area - Powersknock, Raheens standing stone

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