Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments



The Tooraneena standing stone is an old looking rough conglomerate which measures 1.55 metres in height and is 0.75 meters wide. It is oriented NE-SW and is presently leaning SE in the direction of Crohaun mountain whose peak is visible from the site on the distant horizon.


Directions: From Dungarvan take the R672 travelling NW for 3 km till you reach the junction with the N72.  Just up the road a short distance is the Master McGrath monument. Continue on this road ( R672) for about 7km till you pass a shop at a crossroads. At the next crossroads which is about 2km further on turn right. Take the first left. Drive 1 km till you see a small right turn. The stone is directly opposite this turn two fields to the left.


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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

Read about Here


Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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The White Lady, Ballymacaw



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 Website last updated 

14 July 2018



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