Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Tooreen East - Ring Barrow 1
This Barrow is located in a clearing of a coniferous forest close to a miniature Stone Row and two other standing stones. Sadly it is much overgrown with heather but it is discernable mainly due to its low mound and worn circular fosse. It measures 9.2 metres E -W and 7.2 metres N-S and has a maximum height of 1.0m.
It is defined by a fosse which is 1.4 – 3 metres in width and an outer bank which is 1.4 – 2 m wide and 0.1 – 0.4 high.
In the centre of the mound is an exposed Cist (burial) measuring 2.75 X 2.3 metres.
Directions: See Tooreen West Stone Row
From the Tooreen West Stone Row, walk about 100 metres west along the forest boundary till you see a marker pointing to an entrance to the forest going south. Enter the woods here and walk 160 metres south along the paths till you reach the second clearance. The Barrow can be seen straight ahead.
Other sites in this area - Tooreen miniature stone row, standing stone & standing stones
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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