Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
Tooreen - Stone Circle
Situated in a clearing in Tooreen Woods, which is a remote part of the Comeragh mountain range, this stone circle is well preserved with just a few stones missing. It has a diameter of 4 metres and consists of eleven conglomerate stones varying in height from 0.2 – 0.65 metres.
The site would once have commanded a fine view of the valley and mountains beyond. However, today it is quite enclosed and shaded by tall plantation of conifer trees. This monument has also been previously classified a Kerb Circle which may suggest that it was once covered by a cairn.
The mystery and aura of Stone Circles has attracted people for generations and here at Tooreen the spiritualistic have been known to come to this secluded place to light candles and place flower offerings. The site is quite close to the Tooreen Stone Row and both monuments were most likely erected around the same time.
Stone circles such as this are frequently found in remote places and were most likely were constructed for ceremonies and ancient rituals. However, the type of rituals remains unknown. Other theroies suggest the possible significance of solar alignments.
Directions: From Ballymacarbry take the road eastwards towards Clonmel and Carrick on Suir.
After 3.5km where the road forks, take a turn right going uphill. Follow this road keeping left at the Y junction. After 3 km, and 400 metres after a farmhouse on the left, you come to a rough road to the right going upwards into the woods. Take this road (keeping right on the high road) for about 1 km where there is a small clearing on the left. The Sone Circle is here right beside the road.
Other sites in this area - Tooreen stone row
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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