Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

Tooreen West - Stone Row

Tooreen West - Stone Row

Situated on the southern slopes of Tooren Hill, this Stone Row comprises of four conglomerate stones which descend in height from the tallest at 1.1 meters to the shortest which is just 0.5 meters. The row is 5.5 metres long and is aligned in a  NW- SE direction.

Its secluded location is between two forest plantations and just a short distance from Tooreen Stone Circle. On approaching the stones, the ground is very wet and marshy and then quickly gets quite dry just where the stones are erected. It is very likely there was some connection between this monument and the nearby Stone Circle.

Following the directions from the Stone Circle, the monument is quite easy to find.


Directions: See Tooreen Stone Circle. From this monument walk along the forest road a further 50 metres. On the right hand side the is a post marker with an arrow pointing into the woods. Follow this path through the trees (you will have to crouch some of the way) till you reach a fence and a stile. After crossing this fence turn left and walk about 100m west to reach the Stone Row.


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