Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Araglin Valley - Cairn
Located in a col between Cnoiceen Hill and the Monuvallagh mountains to the east, this small circular cairn measures just 2 metres in diameter and is 0.5 metres in height.
The monument is part of the Araglin Valley archaeological complex. From here there is wonderful views to the west and to the north east is the sweeping majestic backdrop of...
Ardmore - Ogham Stone
This Ogham stone stands in a small niche inside the ruins of Ardmore cathederal. It was originally found built into the east wall of the oratory.
It has two inscriptions which have been read as 1. LUGUDECCAS MAQI MUJCOI NETASEGAMONAS an 2. DOLATI BIGA -ISGOB.
The markings are well preserved which is helped by its present location in the...
Whether or not these two standing stones can be classified a pair is open to debate as they stand 15 meters apart and in separate fields. The east stone, a conglomerate, is the more bulky of the two and measures 1.4 metres tall and 1 metre wide, while the west stone is slender, has diagonal quartz veins running through it and is slightly taller...
Ballinaclogh South
This standing stone is about 2.5 metres tall. It has a somewhat unusual appearance in that the top is quite jagged. This type of stone is often called a "dallán" or 'liagán' and had a similar purpose to that of today's modem gravestone. So, there is a possibility that it was erected as a gravemarker/ remembrance monument.Whether it...
Ballinadysert - Stone Pair
This fine pair of stones stand facing each other in a paddock field and are nicely sheltered by surrounding hedgerows. Once you reach the site they are easily accessible from the nearby farmyard.
The stones stand over 15 metres apart. The East stone, a square shaped conglomerate with many embedded pebbles, is 1.8 metres in height while the West...
Ballinamona Lower
Waterford’s only Court Tomb and Ireland’s most southerly, is located in the Ring Gaelthact which is the Gaelic speaking area of the county.
The tomb stands on top of a small headland just 100 metres from the cliff edge of the sea from where you can see Mine Head lighthouse to the south.
Known locally as “ Cailleach Bhearra’s House” the...
Ballindud - Standing Stone & Portal Tomb
Located on the fringe of Kilbarry Bog, near Waterford City, Ballindud standing stone measures 1.4 metres in height and is leaning at quite an angle. It’s found in a field which is used mainly for tillage purposes and can be easily seen from the road, particularly when the field crop has been harvested.
The stone fell in Spring 2010...
When I first saw this interestingly shaped standing stone it was barely visible with the top just protruding above dense undergrowth. Immediately its profile reminds one of “The White Lady” standing stone at Ballymacaw because of its figure like shape.
Almost like a wild prehistoric primate, it stands partially hidden on marshy wet...
Ballybrack standing stone stands on a gentle west facing slope. This is yet another stone that has the beautiful picturesque backdrop of the Comeragh mountains to the east and the lesser rise of Crohaun Hill (above) to the north west.
The stone itself, an old conglomerate red sandstone is 1.5 metres high and is oriented in a N-S direction. It...
This rectangular shaped stone is sited on a south facing slope at the head of a valley which opens out to the SE.
Located just inside the perimeter of a bank/fence of a small forestry plantation, it’s a standing stone that could be easily overlooked, for at the time of recording it (26-02-2011) it was heavily overgrown with thick brambles...
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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