Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Raheens - Possible Stone Pair
There is every possibility that a Stone Pair once stood at that this site.
The Raheens site is located on marshy ground at the bottom of a N-S valley where today remains a shale standing stone measuring 1.3 meters in height X 1.2 X 0.5 metres. It’s orientation is NNE-SSW.
A second stone is lying prone 2.7 metres to the south. It is sunken in...
Raithmaiden - Stone Row
Rathmaiden stone row is thought to have had had six stones originally, but today only four remain standing with two lying on the ground where they have fallen.
The remaining stones range in height form 1.2 metres to 1.8 metres and are oriented in a NW – SE direction. The overall length of the row is almost 16 metres.
One stone, which is the...
Reanadampaun Commons - Stone Row
The stone row at Reanadampaun Commons is a line of six conglomerates which are heavily incorporated into a field boundary where tall pine tress have been planted.
The stones vary in height from 1.2 – 1.5 meters and are aligned in a NE – SW direction which is common enough for stone rows and also for monoliths. The length of the row is...
The Ross standing stone occupies a central position in a field with a gentle south facing slope. The stone has a rectangular slender appearance and measures 1.65 metres high. It has a blunted tip and is oriented N-S. It stands close to what was once the site of castle owned by a David Power of Shangarry. Today, there is no visible remains of...
Located on flat pastures 2 km west of Dunhill, Savagetown Portal Tomb is deeply embedded into an earthen bank/ field boundary which makes it difficult to see the full extent of the monument. However, what is visible is capstone measuring 3.4 metres long which rests on a portal – stone and a south facing sidestone. The backstone is also...
Seefin - Cairn
Situated on the summit of Seefin mountain and 60 metres SE of a rock outcrop, this is one of Waterford’s highest Cairns which is located at an altitude of 726 metres (2382 feet).
The Cairn itself is 8 metres in diameter and 0.4 metres in height. It has a deeply hollowed out centre. The site affords outstanding views all around and from here...
Shanaclone -Kerb Circles
In an abandoned haggard (farmyard) about 0.5 km north-east of Ballynageeragh portal tomb can be found the remains of two Kerb Circles.
Here, in this remote and mysterious place are two arcs of small sized stones. The West arc measures 2.5m in circumference and has four stones standing, the highest of which is 0.4m. The arc opens to the...
Sheskin standing stone can be found 3km south west of the village of Stradbally. The stone, which leans slightly, is a conglomerate measuring 1.4 metres tall and is 0.7 metres at its widest. It is oriented in a NE- SW direction. Situated on the summit of a broad hill, the site offers fine views of the surrounding area with the dominant...
The Tooraneena standing stone is an old looking rough conglomerate which measures 1.55 metres in height and is 0.75 meters wide. It is oriented NE-SW and is presently leaning SE in the direction of Crohaun mountain whose peak is visible from the site on the distant horizon.
Directions: From Dungarvan take the R672 travelling NW for 3 km...
Tooreen - Prehistoric Enclosure
Part of the Tooreen Megalithic complex, this large stone banked enclosure is situated on a North facing slope of a NE – SW stream valley and right at the edge of the forestry plantation. The sub circular grass covered area measures 41 metres EW and 39 metres N-S.
It is defined by a grass covered stone wall which is 1.7 m wide at the East and 4...
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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