Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Tooreen - Stone Circle
Situated in a clearing in Tooreen Woods, which is a remote part of the Comeragh mountain range, this stone circle is well preserved with just a few stones missing. It has a diameter of 4 metres and consists of eleven conglomerate stones varying in height from 0.2 – 0.65 metres.
The site would once have commanded a fine view of the...
Tooreen East - Miniature Stone Row
This interesting little Stone Row which can be found in a clearing in the coniferous forest, is just 7 metres south of the overgrown Ring Barrow. Most of the whole area is covered in heather but the stones are quite visible.
The row comprises of three small stones aligned in a NE – SW direction.
The NE stone (nearest in photo) is triangular...
Tooreen East - Ring Barrow 1
This Barrow is located in a clearing of a coniferous forest close to a miniature Stone Row and two other standing stones. Sadly it is much overgrown with heather but it is discernable mainly due to its low mound and worn circular fosse. It measures 9.2 metres E -W and 7.2 metres N-S and has a maximum height of 1.0m.
It is defined by a...
Tooreen East - Ring Barrow 2
This very well preserved Barrow in the Tooreen complex, is sited on a North facing slope of a NE- SW valley. It can be found in a small clearing of a coniferous forest. The monument consists of a grass covered platform (diam 10 m) defined by a flat bottomed fosse (width 2-3m) and an outer bank (width 3m) with a height ranging from 0.7 –...
Tooreen East - Standing Stone
Located in a small clearing of the Tooreen woods, this standing stone is modest in size measuring just 0.7 metres tall x 0.6 x 0.7 m.
The old red sandstone conglomerate overlooks the Ring Barrow and other stones which are 80m to the south. It’s orientation is NE – SW.
It most likely had an association with the nearby...
Tooreen East - Standing Stones
In the clearing in Tooreen Woods where Ring Barrow (1) is located, one finds this pair of interesting standing stones. They are west of the Barrow and stand 14 metres apart. Though not very impressive, they both have very similar dimensions and form a line in an ENE - WSW direction.
The west stone (circled below) measures 0.7 x 0.4 and 0.35m...
Tooreen West - Stone Row
Situated on the southern slopes of Tooren Hill, this Stone Row comprises of four conglomerate stones which descend in height from the tallest at 1.1 meters to the shortest which is just 0.5 meters. The row is 5.5 metres long and is aligned in a NW- SE direction.
Its secluded location is between two forest plantations and just a...
Tramore Burrow
Here in the sand dunes of Tramore beach is the site of a Prehistoric Cooking Area/Refuse Dump which is known archaeologically as a Midden.
Lactated at the isthmus connecting the Burrow Island sand dunes with a sand pit, is a large area of broken and burnt shells in a black matrix.
The area measures 12 metres N-S and 8 meters E-W. In the...
Tramore West
This is the second of Waterford’s standing stones to be found in the centre of a residential area, the other being Gibbet Hill in Waterford City.
Tramore West, termed as a “Schist” stone, is indeed a fine and impressive monolith which is located on the front lawn of a private residence in a quiet housing estate. Its striking feature is how...
Treenearla Commons - Cairn
This modest sized Cairn overlooks the Mauma Pass and is just a shot distance away from the Treenearla Commons standing stone along the path. It measure 18 metres in diameter and is about 2.2 metres high.
From the site you can clearly see the Crohaun cairn on the south side of the road and also the Farbreaga further to the north.
The monument is...
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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