Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Coumaraglinmountain - Megalithic Tomb
This unique tomb is located on a steep west facing slope at the SW end of the Araglin Archaeological Complex. It is listed as ‘unclassified’ as it has influences of both Court and Wedge tombs. However, it does have the one prominent characteristic of Wedge Tombs, that is, the entrance faces the South West.
The monument consists of a small...
Coumaraglinmountain - Pond Barrow
Situated on a west facing slope in the Araglin Valley, this monument is listed as a Pond Barrow. It consists of a circular dished grass covered area with some heather and ferns measuring 24.5 metres in diameter and defined by an earth and stone bank, width 2.2 – 3.4 metres with a height ranging from 0.3 – 0.5 metres.
There is a gap (0.7m) at...
Coumaraglinmountain - Prehistoric Enclosure
Situated on flat ground at the base of a west facing slope, this enclosure is sub circular in shape and measures 35 metres E-W and 31.5 metres N-S.
The area, which is on the upper reaches of the Araglin Valley, is defined by a collapsed grass covered stone spread with a width of 2.5- 3.5 metres reduced to scarp 0.7 metres at the west end.
Coumaraglinmountain - Standing Stone 1
This modest sized standing stone is one of the first standing stones you can see as you enter the Araglin Valley complex by road.
Located just off a bend in the road, it stands just 0.85 metres tall X 0.5 X.25 m.
Its orientation is NNE- SSW. Close by are two smaller stones which make up a triangular shape measuring roughly 1.8 X 2.2...
Coumaraglinmountain - Standing Stone 2
This rough shaped stone stands right alongside the path that leads into the Araglin Valley which is one of Waterford’s most important archaeological areas with a huge complex of ancient ritual and settlement sites.
The stone measures 1.6 meters in height and is oriented along the path in a E-W direction. With its location close to the track and...
Coumaraglinmountain - Stone Enclosure
This stone walled enclosure is located on the eastern slope of Coumaraglinmountain and is easily seen from a distance as you traverse the open heath.
It measure 16.5 metres E-W and around 12 metres N-S. It has a V shaped entrance on the east side. The wall height averages about 1 metre.
An interesting feature of the enclosure is a...
The standing stone at Couse on the south side of Waterford City, is quite a modest one standing just 1 metre in height X.90m X 50m.
However, despite its unpretentious appearance, the stone is likely to have had some significance in prehistoric times as it is located just 0.75 km north east of Ballindud portal tomb and standing stone.
Crehanagh South
This is another of Waterford’s standing stones with Ogham inscriptions.
It stands 2 metres tall and has inscriptions down two edges on its south side. It’s situated in a flat field 500m south of the rocky hill of Carrigfenoagh with the Comeragh and Monuvallagh mountains on the western horizon. The stone has a pointed tip and is oriented...
Croagh - Stone Pair
Set into a south facing stonewall bank and sheltered by a row of pine trees, these two stones are located in the stony townland of Croagh about a 1km from Dunhill village. The pair stand 2.5 metres apart and form a rough NE-SE alignment.
The West stone measures about 2 metres in height while the East stone, which appears to the eye as more...
Crohaun or ‘Cruachan’ which translated means “Little Mountain Pile” is one of Waterford’s well known landmarks. This Cairn topped hill of the Comeragh mountain range can be see from a far and in recent times has become even more easily recognisable by the erection of a telecommunications mast near its summit.
It’s a special place with a...
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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