Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments

List of Monuments



This Ring Fort at Curraghkiely, near Rathgormuck is wonderfully situated at the foothills of the Comeragh mountains. It lies on a gentle north facing slope and consists of a circular area of 45 metres in diameter which is defined by an earth and stone bank of around 5 metres wide and 1.5 metres high. It is one of almost 250 Ring Forts recorded...

Curraghmore - circle of stones

Curraghmore - circle of stones

Located high on a south facing slope, this large circle of stones is 30 metres in diameter. It is not marked on any OS maps or referred to in the Waterford Archaeology Inventory which seems quite surprising as it immediately catches the eye because of its almost complete circle of bright irregular shaped stones. In a truly spectacular location...

Curraghmore - stone head

Curraghmore - stone head

This thought provoking monument stands on an exposed south facing slope overlooking the river Clodiagh and the stately ancestral mansion of Curraghmore House. Here, in a special place, a stone head, not known if sculptured or naturally formed, has been seemingly fixed to a 1.5 metres tall tapered standing stone. The head measures just short of...

Curraun (Farbreaga) Cairn

Curraun (Farbreaga) Cairn

This spectacularly located Cairn is found on the summit of the Farbreaga mountain. At 593 metres (just short of 2,000 feet) it’s certainly a tough climb, and from the Dalligan bridge on the road below, the way rises a steep 1,000 feet to the summit. The Cairn itself has a diameter of 11 metres and is just short of 1 metre in height....

Curraun - Standing Stone

Curraun - Standing Stone

This modest sized standing stone at just 1.25 meters in height, is found close to the village of Kilrossanty. A conglomerate, it has a triangular appearance tapering upward from its base which measures 1 metre in width. The stone is oriented in a NE – SW direction. It has a nice and perhaps also significant location, with in the background to...

Cuteen South - Cairn

Cuteen South - Cairn

This Cairn is sited in a wonderful location overlooking the Bearna na Madra gap to the south with fantastic views along the Waterford coastline and southwards to Croghan. It can be reached by a short but steep climb up Seefin mountain from the “Stone Man” standing stone. The scattered cairn is 7.9 metres NS and 6.2 metres EW and ranges in...

Deelishmountain - Cairn

Deelishmountain - Cairn

Just 2 km south east of Crohaun is the Cairn at Deelishmountain lying at the southernmost end of the Comeragh mountain range. Located at an altitude of 350 meters (1148 feet) , this is quite a sizeable cairn which measures 21 x 19.5 metres  and is 2.4 meters high at its tallest point. Surrounded by heather and bracken it has a...



The Standing Stone at Doon is situated on level ground. An old conglomerate, it measures 1.85m in height X1m X 0.6 metres and has a rectangular cross section with a pointed top. Like so many standing stones it is oriented in NE – SW direction. The site affords an outstanding unobstructed view of the entire Comeragh mountain range to the east while...



Located 3.5km north of  the village of Stradbally, this is one of Waterford’s most interesting sites. Known locally as the "Ogham Cave", it was discovered by a farmer in 1867. Ten Ogham stones  were found built into the walls and roof of a souterrain measuring 3.5 m long, 1.5m wide and 1.2 meters in height. In 1936 five of the stones...



Of all the Promontory Forts found along the Waterford coastline, the site at Dunabrattin is the largest covering an area of around 6 hectares. Located on Dunabrattin Head, it’s just 3 km along the cliffs from Woodstown Promontory Fort. The site is accessible by a cliff path which starts at Boatstrand cove  (just off the drive down...

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Ballyquin Portal Tomb

A delightfully situated monument

Read about Here


Tallest Stone


Waterford's  tallest standing stone is  located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it  Here


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The White Lady, Ballymacaw



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14 July 2018



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