Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Gortaclade - Ballaun Stone
The Gortaclade Ballaun stone, not far from the village of Kilmeaden, is oval shaped and measures 1.7 m X 1.2 m.
Located in the centre of a field, it is an impressive rough earthfast stone which has two complete bowls and the portions of two others on its outer edges.
The central basin, which is about 40 cm in diameter, is a particularly...
Gurteen Lower
Located within the grounds of Gurteen estate this standing stone is situated in a very picturesque setting. It’s a stone of modest statue measuring 1.5 metres tall with a pointed tip and is oriented E-W.
It stands on a gentle north facing slope above the flood plain of the river Suir which separates the counties of Waterford and...
Gurteen Upper
One of Waterford’s taller standing stones can be found hidden away in a coniferous forest. The Gurteen Upper stone, appearing as if it is almost growing out of a bank, stands 2.9 meters tall and has quite an impressive presence.
It is oriented ENE – WSW and gets increasingly wider to almost 1 metre the top.
Directions: From Clonmel...
Half Way House
Located in a sloping field within a stone wall boundary, this stout, 'slab like' standing stone is clearly visible from the roadside and is adjacent to an empty whitewashed cottage along the road. It stands over 2 metres tall, facing south-west and has a blocky rectangular appearance. It is 1.25 metres at its widest.
A short drive from...
Harristown passage tomb is superbly located with wonderful panoramic views of the Waterford estuary, Tramore Bay and the distant Comeragh mountains.
Situated on the east side of a sandstone hill known as “Carrick a Dhirra” it is located about 1.5km north of the fishing village of Dunmore East. The tomb is probably the most...
Islandikane East
This modest sized standing stone stands just short of 1 metre high.
Its location bears similarities to that of the ‘White Lady’ at Ballymacaw, the stone being a similar distance of around 20 metres from the cliff edge overlooking the Celtic sea. Leaning slightly, it’s orientation is N-S.
Here again, one can only speculate if stones...
Islandikane North
Looking somewhat reminiscent of the steep incline of some challenging mountain peak, this sturdy standing stone measures 1.95 metres in height and 1.45 metres at its widest point. It stands clearly visible on a broad plateau in the centre of a field and has a shoulder close to its pointed tip which is This shape is possibly the result of...
This stout standing stone nestles very close to the wall of a school playground. It measures 1.5 metres tall and has a pointed tip. It has a number of christian crosses incised on the side which is closest to the wall. It is orientated in a E-W direction.
It appears now the that stone will be included on school property in what look like...
Situated very close to the village of Kill, this standing stone appears white as one side is almost totally covered with white lichen.
Shaped like an old worn tooth, it measures 1.25metres in height, 0.75 metres wide and leans slightly to the North West. Its orientation is NE-SW.
Its location is on very wet marshy land, but it occupies...
Kilbarrymeaden - Bullaun Stone
This lovely double Bullaun stone is located in a field which adjoins the ruined early ecclesiastical site and parish church of Kilbarrymeaden just outside the village of Kill. Nestling under an old thorn tree, the sizeable stone measures 1.6 X 1.25 X .0.60 metres. It is slab–like in appearance and has two basins. The largest is 35 cm in...
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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