Exploring Waterford's Ancient Monuments
List of Monuments
Kilbride South
This is quite a slender standing stone and also an impressive example.
The stone is an old red sandstone conglomerate and stands 2.4 metres in height X 0.47 X 0.3 metres.
Its orientation is E-W at the base and it has a pointed tip which is roughly aligned N-S.
According to the landowner, at least two other similar stones once stood here,...
Kilbryan standing stone
Located just one field away to the SW of the Kilbryan Stone pair, this old red sandstone monolith stands just short of a metre in height.
Its dimensions are 0.95 meters in height X 0.8 X 0.55 meters.
What association, if any, it has with the Stone Pair is unclear. It has no discernible orientation.
Directions: The easiest way of...
Kilbryan Upper - Stone Pair
These two stones at Kilbryan Upper are situated on a North facing slope and stand almost 7 metres apart.
The taller and more dominant stone is just 1 metre tall while the smaller stone measures 0.83 metres in height. The stones form a NNW - SSE alignment. Another stone (arrowed in photo below) and which is much smaller, appears more...
Standing in a sheltered landscape, this sturdy square shaped stone measures 1.87 metres in height and is almost 1 metre at its widest. Its orientation is NE-SW.
To the east is Croughaun Hill while dominating the western horizon is the imposing mass of the Comeragh mountains.
In the vicinity of the stone, and covered by scrub, is a number...
Kilcomeragh - Ogham Stone
Sheltering in a mature garden about 4.5 km from the village of Fews is this standing stone with well preserved Ogham inscriptions.
It stands in the peaceful grounds of Comeragh Lodge. However, this is not its original location. It is believed to have come from the Rathgormuck area from where it was reportedly salvaged from being used as a...
Kilgreany Cave
Though not a monument as such, Kilgreany Cave near Cappagh in West Waterford is certainly worth mentioning here.
This important limestone cave was the site of two excavations, the first of which was carried out by EK. Tratman in the summer of 1928 and five years later in 1934 by H.L.Movius and the Harvard Archaeological Expedition.
What the...
Kilmovee - Standing Stones
At Kilmovee you will find three standing stones, all within 200 metres of each other. Located just off a quiet country road, two are in fields to the south side while one stands in a field to the north. All are visible from the roadway.
The close proximity of three stones in the form of a triangle is interesting, with one of them, stone...
Kilmoyemoge East
Situated on a gentle north facing slope, this tall slender standing stone is just short of 2 metres in height. It is practically square with a blunt tip and slopes to the west at an angle of around 80°.
Its location is right in the centre of the field, which makes it easily visible from the road.
Interestingly, in the farmyard opposite to the...
At Kilnagrange, within 0.5 km of each other can be found three standing stones.
Here, each one is very different than the other. However, one thing which might tie the three monuments together is that they form a rough line in a SW direction which possibly could be interpreted as being ancient route markings or perhaps boundary...
Kiltrea - Ogham Stones
These Ogham Stones are found in two railed off enclosures close to a quiet country road and charming small river near the village of Villierstown.
The stones are easily visible from the roadside where there is a signpost and also a convenient stile provided for easy access to the site.
Ballyquin Portal Tomb
Tallest Stone
Waterford's tallest standing stone is located 5 km from Tramore. The impressive stone measures 3.7m in height. See it Here
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14 July 2018
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